Day 7 The Reason for Everything

Well, this is it. Time to pull up my moral socks and see what I am made of.  I feel like I have been moving toward a higher purpose and I thank God for the revelation. I have been a Christian my whole life and feel that I have always lived for God. I was raised singing His praises and going to church. I have taught my children to do the same. It's a lifestyle that we all relish. I also love to read and study God's word. When some of my friends have a question about the Word they usually ask me. To me, those things glorify God. I don't feel that I will be a great orator and preach the Gospel to the masses but I know that I can show the people that I encounter the face of God in me.

1 comment:

  1. I liked the way this chapter ended: "Jesus will give you everything you need to live for him." The active word here being "live". We give glory to God by living. We honor him every time we utilize our gifts to the fullest. We worship him just by living an authentic life that is true to everything he has placed inside of us.

    “An authentic life is the most personal form of worship." Sarah Ban Brathnach
