Day 2: You Are Not an Accident

This is geared to make us consider our intricacies as a part of God’s divine plan. I can only focus on the awesomeness of God.  That he had the foresight to create all is unfathomable. We cannot begin to comprehend all the he is and all that he has done and all for love. My favorite quote “The Bible tells us, ‘God is love.’ It doesn't say God has love. He is love! Love is the essence of God's character.”


1 comment:

  1. I loved the scripture "Even when your hair has turned gray, I will take care of you." Translation: I will always be His baby! That's what my momma used to tell me!

    I subscribe to the theory that God can use everything that we've gone through - every pain and disappointment, every setback and betrayal,even the times when we get off course - he can and will use all of those experiences to get us to the place he wants us to be. Nothing is wasted! But to think that it was done on PURPOSE,just to make and mold you into the person you're supposed to be? Hmmm ... even the way you look, the family you were raised in, HOW you were raised (good or bad)was on purpose. I recently came to the conclusion that I would be a different person had I been exposed to different circumstances and opportunities and I wondered if that was the WHY behind the events in my life.
