Day 4 Made to Last Forever

I believe in Heaven and Hell as true destinations of the Here-After, but it is not a punishment or reward for deeds done here on earth. Is the author saying that there are different stages of paradise and Hades? I think not. Either you are in or out. To quote a friend “The last time I checked, admission thru the pearly gates (Salvation) is FREE!” Jesus PAID IT ALL!  Furthermore, people should try to live right, do the right things and be of good moral character because that is the right thing to do, not because of what they can get out of it. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you ‘cause you’re not going to like it if others wrong you. Honor God because He is worthy, not because you are fearful of the repercussions.


1 comment:

  1. My coworker shared with me a dream her young son told her about. He said he saw heaven - everything there was white and covered in gold. It was SO beautiful. And he just wanted to tell everyone about it because he thought if they KNEW, they would surely want to go there. I'm not a believer in fire and brimstone sermons as motivation for giving your life to God. I believe you should accentuate the positive. Like my co-worker's young son, I prefer to focus on what we will GAIN instead of what we may lose.
